Category Archives: daughters

The Fast Lane?

I read this article, The Day I Stopped Saying Hurry Up | Rachel Macy Staffordjust now and my gut wretched a bit because this could have been me writing.  In the day in age in which everything is met with instant gratification–because let face it, everything can be done on your smartphone anymore–many of us have forgotten how to enjoy life.  Why do we find ourselves living our lives in the fast lane, the wind whipping by and the scenery of our lives but a blur in our periphery?

As I head back to my classroom and my life get busy with life, I want to slow down.  But it will be hard.  Slow is not in my nature because a schedule doesn’t wait, and most of the time I can’t sit still.  But what is the alternative?  Do I want to see my daughters, like Stafford saw hers, emulating my perpetual impatience and growing up believing I don’t have a second to spare for them?

So here it is, August 2013, and I’m making my New Year’s resolution: Breath deeply and slow down to experience rather than rush through life with my family.


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Filed under children, daughters, parents, reflections

Dear Daughter of Mine

Love Poem

Love Poem (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

“You’ll never not be my girl ‘Cause love is the heart of the world”

from “Heart of the World” by Lady Antebellum

Dear daughter,

The sentiment above is most true! Since the day you blessed the world with your small cry, the bond of mother and daughter was sealed and fate tied us together forever.  I would never want it any other way.

Each day I watch as you grow.  From a tiny bundle so reliant on me for you every need to the headstrong toddler determined to do it herself to the beautiful girl you continue to become.  Each second, minute, hour, day, month, year, I cannot fathom how it is that I was the one lucky enough to be chosen to be your mother.  It is my greatest joy and my greatest fear as I wish to be the best mother I can be for you.

You come from a long line of determined and self-assured women who know their minds which sometimes comes across as self-importance and snobbery. And while it is important that you consider others always, “Make every effort to change things you do not like. If you cannot make a change, change the way you have been thinking. You might find a new solution” (Maya AngelouLetters to My Daughter).  I hope that you will always know what you want and will always be willing to fight for what you believe, being a women of action rather than complaint.  But make changes that will change the world for the better, even if in a minuscule way.  I hope that I have the grace to be a model for you in this way as I want dearly for you to know your own strength and be confident in your ability to stand on your own two feet and in your ability to bring about change.  Your strength comes from me and the women before you, but more importantly it comes from within you. Maya Angelou, an author I hope you take the opportunity to read, says in Letters to My Daughter, “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” She is right. The strength within you will guide you and provide you the fortitude to carry on even in the face of your greatest fears.

I also wish for you to find joy and love in your life.  I hope that your passions lead you to see the world, tempt fate and love unconditionally.  I hope that I can show you the kind of love having you in my life has given me.  I hope that you not only know, but can see in my face, hear in my voice, and feel in my embrace the unconditional love I have for you.  I hope you will never doubt of a single second how much I love you.  I hope you see love as a risk willing to take despite the uncertainty of this world. And when you have a love of your own or children, I wish that you feel the completeness in your heart that the unconditional love you have for them brings to you.

Be present always.  Be present in the moment.  Be present in your life.  Do not dwell in the past over things you can not change; instead, carry the memories you cherish forward and take the wisdom you have learned with you into the future.  In the same respect, do not live what may come to be; while we have the ability to shape our future, it is only by out actions in the present.  So, be present always.

Lastly, remember that you can always come home.  Wherever the world may take you, however far away, my arms are always open and you will always be the joy that fills my heart.  When you are heartbroken, come home.  It does not detract from the strength within you, but rather shows the strength you place in your foundations and those who love you.  When you have joy in you life, come home and share it; it will be my joy also.  Because in the every changing world on this journey called life, “you’ll never not be my girl.”



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Filed under children, daughters, parents, reflections